Makayla M.
Licensed Esthetician & Ultherapy Specialist

I have been drawn to the Medical Aesthetic Industry since I was 11 years old. It was at this time, and all through high school, that I went through trial and error of all drug store skin care products only to find my skin more inflamed and out thousands of dollars. Packing on more makeup became the only way I would leave my house. During this time was when I made the decision to learn all I could about skin health so I could achieve my optimal outcome and fulfill my true passion of helping others! I am a firm believer in the motto, “Investing in your physical appearance can truly help you shine more from within as well.” My passion for education and helping others did not stop there though, I strived for more… Which brings me to the title of Ultherapy Specialist at Destination Aesthetics. I love that Ultherapy is non-invasive, helps build back natural collagen, and has no downtime. Just like medical grade skincare allows you to age gracefully, this too encompasses another tool that allows us to help you achieve optimal results.